QRT #133 – The Concept of Hierarchy and Doing Ministry in the Church: Evaluating the Roles of Leaders and the Use of Authority in Quakerism – by Oscar Lugusa

Oscar Lugusa Malande wrote “The Concept of Hierarchy and Doing Ministry in the Church: Evaluating the Roles of Leaders and the Use of Authority in Quakerism” for the Fall 2019 issue of QRT. With experience as a pastor and chaplain in Vihiga Yearly Meeting in Kenya, as well as teaching and serving as academic dean of Friends Theological College Kaimosi, he provides insight into the challenges and opportunities of the Friends understanding of authority and ministry leadership in general, and particularly how it is being received and interpreted in an African context. He interviewed Friends from several East Africa countries, and shares some of their opinions and insights. He also offers thoughts about the differences between pastors’ and clerks’ leadership, and the need for close collaboration.

QRT #133 – The Concept of Hierarchy and Doing Ministry in the Church: Evaluating the Roles of Leaders and the Use of Authority in Quakerism – by Oscar Lugusa

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